May 11, 2009

11- Kasparov Loses to Computer

1751: Pennsylvania Hospital, the first U.S. hospital, is founded.

1949: Israel is admitted to the United Nations.

1949: Siam changes its name to Thailand.

1960: The FDA approves the contraceptive pill. It will go on sale in December.

1981: Reggae singer/guitarist Bob Marley dies in Miami at age 36.

1997: The "Deep Blue" IBM computer demolishes Garry Kasparov and wins the six-game chess match between man and machine in New York.

2006: Former heavyweight champion Floyd Patterson dies in New Paltz, New York, at age 71.

Today's Birthdays:
Composer Irving Berlin (1888-1989)
Painter Salvador Dali (1904-1989)
Singer Eric Burdon (1941)
Artificial heart inventor Robert Jarvik (1946)
MTV veejay Martha Quinn (1959)
Actress Natasha Richardson (1963-2009)

Something to Think About:
"Doing what I love to do is like therapy." ~ Jennifer Hudson